Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Monday 14 November 2011

The Lives Of Others (2006)

In 7 words or less: Stasi agent makes good

Best bits? The bit where they put all the bugging devices in Dreyman's house, the tension in scenes when you think someone is going to say something subversive and get arrested. The drab colourless apartment and offices of Wiesler compared to the lively, colourful and joyful lives the artists strive to live out, even though they are living under intense repression. The cloying atmosphere brought to mind the recent production of 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy', lots of dreary greys and browns, the lens peering at the characters through thick wafts of cigarette smoke and hard spirits being downed in every scene. The performance of Wiesler, who doesn't say much, but reveals his changing attitude over the course of the film in a subtle and engaging way.

Did it make you think thoughts? Yes, how boring and annoying it would have been to live under the watch of the Stasi in the 80's. Makes me glad that wall came down in the end. I was also constantly unsure of who was going to be caught and what would happen. This film keeps you guessing, and the ending is dramatic and poignant.

Would you watch it again? Sure would, great film with plenty worth revisiting.

Rating (out of 100%): 89% Ruddy good watch, didn't know much about this subject so it's a fascinating insight into the lives of East German activists in the 80's, as well as a great character drama. Weisler and Dreyman are complete opposites politically and socially but form a bond that changes each of their lives without ever meeting. Skillfully played out, gripping and emotive.
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