Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Friday 11 November 2011

The Secret of Kells (2009)

After the long hard slog that was Horror Season at Slumpy (including 9, count 'em 9, Nightmare on Elm Street flicks) I have decided to remain in 'season mode.' I have selected my favourite animated* movies of all time and will be re-watching and reviewing them in the coming days. *The one proviso is that the films must be non-computer generated looking films, essentially animated movies that look hand drawn, so no pixar type stuff.

So, without further ado I present number 5 in 'The Chief's top 5 animated movies of all time'

In 7 words or less: The famed book of Kells gets animated

Best bits? The opening scene where we see the young hero Brendan for the first time is a smile inducing comedy skit wherein he chases a goose around the village and is replete with a group of wonderfully stereotyped monks of different nationalities. Also of note, the Barbarian horde invasion is a visual treat. The stark white snow contrasting with moody blood soaked reds really achieves a sense of dread and realised doom. it has an almost claustrophobic feel to it.

Did it make you think thoughts? Yeah, this film looks great. The images are sharp, the animation super smooth and the characters bubble with, well...character. Very imaginative storytelling runs throughout as we witness the tale of an Irish medieval village run by a forceful abbot. The story focuses on the abbot's nephew Brendan, who under strict instructions not to, ventures out into the forest where he encounters strange and wonderful things. There is so much to like here that it's a wonder it can all be compacted into the 79 minute running time. It just goes to show that films don't have to clock in at 2 hours plus to be critically appeasing. The only downside is the rather unsatisfactory ending but don't let that put you off. This is a real unexpected treat.

Would you watch it again? Definitely, this will really hold up to repeat viewings.

Rating (out of 100%): Probably missed by a lot of people, this is worth seeking out and will literally charm your pants off. Best not to watch it on the train then. I give The Secret of Kells a cracking celticy 89%
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