Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Another Earth (2011)

In 7 words or less: A young woman, chock full of regret.

Best bits? The idea behind this movie is really interesting, and what I thought I was sitting down to watch was very different to what it turned out to be. The science fiction side of if (which is heavily touted in the trailer) takes the back seat to the character, Rhoda trying to come to terms with and make right something that she had done four years previous on the night that an identical copy of earth was first spotted in our galaxy. Four years later, in the present, you see her infiltrate the life of the man she has hurt to help him without him knowing who she is. Favourite scenes include; watching the live broadcast of contact with Earth 2 with creepy results and the spine tingling last few frames.

Did it make you think thoughts? Indeed, It really hit me during my morning shower. Lots to think about after this one's titles have rolled. It won't mean much without watching, but there's a scene where Rhoda states a theory that the two worlds fell out of synchronicity the moment it was first observed, however, how out of sync they've become is still unknown...

Would you watch it again? I think i'll need to, lots to work out here. Although it's makes for quite depressing viewing, there's enough redemption in there not to get me down for weeks. It's also shot beautifully and has a great title sequence.

Rating (out of 100%): 83% Brilliant stuff, a brooding drama which presents you with an idea, goes off the other way and expects you to keep up with both.

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