Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Friday 11 November 2011

The Losers (2010)

In 7 words or less: The A-Team but different.

Best bits? There's an instant onscreen chemistry between this wronged group of mercenaries, banter and wisecracks fly around like wild fire in the hope of making you say 'do you know what, I like this bunch, I'd like to have a mojito with them'.

This is a comic book adaptation and the action, editing, script and general feel of the movie are all gloriously over the top. I usually don't go for 'MTV' editing in films but it feels necessary and somewhat justified in this picture. All the performances are great but the standout effort is from Chris Evans who plays Jensen, a wiseass comms expert. This scene tickled me just right!

Did it make you think thoughts? Even though I said this film was "gloriously over the top" there's something subtle about it too, whether it's because it went completely unnoticed at the cinema or maybe it's down to the (relatively) low key casting, there's just something quite 'cool' about this film. I think 'losers' by title and losers at the box office weirdly help this film. Overshadowed by the joke that was the A-Team movie, I think The Losers are the secret winners!

Would you watch it again? Yeah, I'd give this a whirl every now and again for sure.

Rating (out of 100%): 79% A surprisingly enjoyable romp! No losers to be found here.
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