The Chief animation season has arrived at number 3 in the 'Top non cgi animated' countdown and it's one I predict many have not seen. I urge the loyal readers to check it out though. Also, the poll has now opened on what the top 2 films might be. Think you know? Tell The Slump!
Best bits? Where to start? This is full of top notch comic book balls-to-wall action. However, we also get a great story and a clever well thought out script. Non-Batman fans may not know the villainy of The Black Mask but check out this clip. Great stuff.
Did it make you think thoughts? This was originally a comic book storyline from 2005 but on reflection, writer Judd Winick wasn't happy with it and so when Warner approached him about turning it into a movie he came onboard and made some changes to the original to improve it. It mainly focuses on a new vigilante arriving in Gotham using The Joker's old guise of The Red Hood. Being a comic book nut, I was familiar with all the characters but for the uninitiated I can imagine it might be a little confusing. Stick with it though as it is a real scorcher. I was pretty amazed by the amount of story, action, banter and emotion that was crammed in here.

We get a Joker origin recap, three or four villains, sidekicks, flashbacks and loads of dynamic action scenes. I did wonder what certificate this was though. There are beatings, shootings, and people being set on fire. Also the opening flashback scene of The Joker beating the second incarnation of Robin to death with a crowbar was mildly disturbing. The film also made me take a deeper look at the Batman/Joker relationship. At one point B-man visits The Joker in Arkham Asylum and after getting some unsatisfactory answers from the king of comedy he slams him up against the wall while grabbing him around the throat to which The Joker asks - 'So, are you finally going to do it?' It's an interesting quandary. Why does the Batman keep his arch nemesis, who is responsible for countless innocent deaths, around? Why not just finish him off? It's kind of like some weird symbiotic relationship where one needs the other. This is especially explored in the emotionally charged film ending scene. I rate this version of The Joker behind Jack's 1989 (Tim Burton) interpretation but way above the massively overrated Heath Ledger/Christopher Nolan take. This animated version bubbles with menace, homicidal evil and a you-can-never-win attitude.
Would you watch it again? I first saw this about two months ago and have watched it three already. There is your answer.
Rating (out of 100%): Definitely not one for the younger kids out there but the big kids (The Chief) will lap this up for all it's Bat goodness. I give this a bat bustin' 92%
Would you watch it again? I first saw this about two months ago and have watched it three already. There is your answer.
Rating (out of 100%): Definitely not one for the younger kids out there but the big kids (The Chief) will lap this up for all it's Bat goodness. I give this a bat bustin' 92%