Best bits? Westworld with dinosaurs. An incredible monster movie, aimed squarely at the jaws of the summer family crowd, but scarier than that suggests. The special effects hold up well, even on Blu Ray, but the comedy (be it intentional or not) still shines through. There's Jeff Goldblum who is the worst Chaos theoretician in the world (and sleazy to boot) who spends the entirety of the second half with his top half off, lounging around like an Arabian prince.

Oh Goldblum! You sexy dog! Pour some water over the back of my hand and talk some crap about chaos theory....... There's the wonderfully nineties exclamation of joy from the girl when she realises that they have "an interactive CD ROM"..... Later she asks to be called a "Hacker" not "a Computer Nerd".
These things only increase the enjoyment of the film for myself. Non comical best bits are plentiful too; from sneezing veggiesaurus', an angry T-Rex, a frilly lizard that spits all over Numan from Seinfeld and some crafty Velociraptors. It's doesn't even matter that most of the dinos aren't even from the Jurassic Period. Cretaceous Park doesn't sound quite as fine. (Strict reality is obviously not a main concern of the film makers here; the scene of Numan making a deal in San Jose at the start shows him sat next to a beach!?!)
The best moment? The first sighing of some long necked dinos feeding from the very tops of the trees to John Williams' jurassic score.
Did it make you think thoughts? Not many original ones and that's why I like it. A popcorn flick of gigantic proportions.
Would you watch it again? Of course! And when you can pick it up on DVD at any service station on any of Britain's fine motorways for £3, there's no excuse not to.
Rating (out of 100%): 89% Jurassic Fun with massive dinosaurs.