Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Thursday 3 November 2011

Black Christmas (1974)

In 7 words or less: Stepping stone for Modern Slashers.

Best bits? A great little horror, set somewhere between Canada, America and the UK (It really might have been mentioned but I missed it) at a girls Sorority house. The occupants start receiving genuinely creepy and disturbing phone calls which are escalating in their severity. The police aren't treating it seriously... then people start getting bumped off.

My favourite character was the sassy Barb, played by Margot Kidder and I also liked the old lady who has hidden bottles of whiskey all around the house; in books, toilet cistern etc. I've never seen anyone acting enjoying drink that much since Jack in Father Ted.

Did it make you think thoughts? I can't believe I hadn't watched this before. Clearly an influence for John Carpenter in making Halloween, especially the POV style for the killer.

Would you watch it again? Yes, I'm going to watch it on Christmas day. It should make it into my yearly horror rotation.

Rating (out of 100%): 82% Not afraid to make you laugh and not too funny that you aren't scared.
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