Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Friday 4 November 2011

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

In 7 words or less: Horror, minus the fun.

Best bits? Friends go to visit a grandparents old farm for the weekend but end up getting nailed by some hillbillies. A horror film devoid of fun. The best thing about it are the visuals, there are some really cool, iconic shots of leather face wielding the chainsaw. As for scenes; the hitchhiker scene at the beginning is probably the best part. No one likes picking up an unhinged individual.

Did it make you think thoughts? Yes, plenty. I wasn't scared by this film and didn't have any fun watching it. So what was I doing? It's just awful. Hang on, there was a redeeming scene at the end which I didn't expect. I didn't have faith that it would be there, but it was, so it showed some redemption.

Would you watch it again? God no. It's a shame, it crossed a horror line for me. I need my scares to be scary, not just nasty.

Rating (out of 100%): 33% un-enjoyable.

ps. I meant to write more about this film, but the wine has enveloped my brain box. Other noteworthy things are, the lack of actual gore (a plus point) and the terrible acting (bad point). Why is that disabled guy such a loser? I was glad when he got chopped. Last bad point is the total lack of any story. It's a snuff movie.

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