Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Monday 21 November 2011

Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)

In 7 words or less: Girl's picnic goes wrong... I think

What's it all About? In Australia in the year 1900 on St. Valentine's Day, a group of college girls go for a delightful day out at Hanging Rock. All seems to be going well, until a small group wanders off onto the rock.

Best bits? My favourite scene was when Miranda yells to "Look!" and Edith (the fat annoying whiney one) stares down at the ground, confused. "Not down on the ground, Edith! Way up there in the sky".

Aside from any unintentional comedy aspect, it's shot fairly well, and the views of Hanging Rock (A real place I believe) and the general scenery are great. It definitely has a strong, consistant style too, whether you enjoy it or not.

Edith wants to go home

Did it make you think thoughts? This is the kind of movie that you might have been forced to watch during a Wet Play (rained off outdoor recess) or in an English class to make you interested in the novel of the same name. It's just that, having not read Picnic at Hanging Rock, I really found this floaty whimsical film a bit of a tough watch, the 115 minutes start to feel a whole lot longer. There's an awful lot of dubbing in this film too and the audible difference between that and the actual dialogue that constantly jarring.

Would you watch it again? Maybe, I would sooner read the book though. Maybe then I'll revisit this one.

Rating (out of 100%): 28% I really thought I was going to love this film, I've heard the word 'masterpiece' used to describe it. I guess I wasn't in the mood for watching overdubbed girls, standing around for ages and ages.
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