Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Batman (1989)

In 7 words or less: A man dresses up as a bat.

What's it all About? Billionaire Bruce Wayne has taken it upon himself to protect the mean streets of Gotham City from the dregs and scum of society that seek to defile it. He tackles this under the guise of 'Batman', a conflicted and vengeful chap who cleanses the city of crims in the hope that one day he'll finally be able to put the memory of his murdered parents behind him. You get the idea, he's Batman!

Best bits? Absolutely any scene featuring Jack Nicholson as The Joker. Hands down one of my all time favourite performances from any actor in film history! Charisma pours out of Nicholson in every scene he's in, there's so many touches and quirks that he brings to The Joker, it's a stellar performance!

Despite The Joker probably being the main event in this film, I think Michael Keaton's take on Bruce Wayne is equally as engaging. He's understated and reserved whilst showing flashes of subtle humour and to top it off, he doesn't look silly when he's in full bat gear either.

Gotham City looks great here too, very gritty and real with the tinniest sprinkling of comic book dust to make it feel dynamic and (can't put your finger on it) different.

Did it make you think thoughts? This is definitely my favourite Batman film, the Nolan efforts are totally awesome but this one tickles me just right! It's just so damn quotable and really takes me back to my youth, I think this was the first ever 12 certificate, not sure why that's important but it feels worth mentioning. I couldn't help but notice how slow the action was when viewing this, not a bad thing at all, I love slow action but it made me realise how much films have changed. Anyway, I bloody adore this movie and had a total blast revisiting it.

Would you watch it again? Yep! This will never get tired.

Rating (out of 100%): 93% Can't see anyone making a better Batman movie. Tim Burton really nailed this. Bravo!

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