Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Barney's Version (2010)

In 7 words or less: Barney's in the hood.

What's it all about? Boozy cigar chomping Barney (Paul Giamatti) is a cool swinger living in Italy in the 70's, he marries his first wife when she becomes preggers but it ends very badly. He then moves back to America to start a career in pointless TV production and pursues various ladies until he finds the woman of his dreams at his second wedding, unfortunately she is not the bride.

Best bits? Paul Giamatti is one of my favourite Hollywood actors, admittedly always playing the likeable, downtrodden grump. He's amazing in films like Sideways and American Splendour, and deservedly won the Golden Globe for this performance. I didn't find Barney that likeable though, in fact he was a bit of an arsehole but he stuck to his guns so I guess that's ok.

Dustin Hoffman was way cool as his Dad. I liked it when he gave Barney his gun as a wedding present, crudely wrapped up in paper. Good to see Minnie Driver again, this time playing up as the brash, obnoxious wifey number two.

It was sad in the end and despite all I did feel sorry for Barney. I wasn't a massive fan of Miriam (wife no.3) which is I think is where I lost it, as their relationship is the crux of the film.

Did it make you think thoughts? I kept thinking 'is Barney's best friend the guy that plays Wolverine?' The answer was no but he looks a bit like him.

Also I thought did he kill said best friend? Well watch it and you will find out!

Would you watch it again? Not likely, too many characters annoyed me to go through that experience again.

Rating (out of 100%): 73% This really was a great film but it didn't push my 'like' button.
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