Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Sunday 20 November 2011

Please Give (2010)

In 7 words or less: Old age, death, relationships and guilty consciences.

What's it all About? Kate (Catherine Keener) and her husband run an antique furniture store in Manhattan, making a tidy profit from house clearances, essentially ripping off the children of dead parents. Kate's daughter is a spoilt, unhappy teen. Kate constantly feels that she needs to give something back, but is not sure what. They have bought Andra's apartment, a 91 year old cranky lady who lives next door, and are anticipating her death so they can knock through and expand. Andra is cared for by her granddaughter Rebecca (Rebecca Hall), who sacrifices her time, energy and lifestyle to do this. Her sister (Amanda Peet) is the opposite, uncaring, selfish and unaware of her sisters feelings.

Best bits? I thought the bit where Kate tries to give money to a black guy standing outside a restaurant was very funny. She thinks he's homeless but he is just waiting for a table. The blind date scene is just weird, you feel so sorry for Rebecca Hall who is the nicest character ever but is constantly dumped on. Loved the cranky Grandmother, who does a great job of being hilariously rude to everyone and getting away with it, which must be the best thing about being old.

Did it make you think thoughts? Yes it made me think hard about how life carries on after death and how you only have your little bit of time, how quickly lives are replaced and the ghosts left behind. I also watched a film called 'Rabbit Hole' the other day which touches on these themes in a very different way, this may or may not be reviewed at a later date.

Would you watch it again? Yes I would, it was funny and meaningful. Not the greatest film ever but definitely strong. The cast are very good, especially Catherine Keener and Rebecca Hall, who develop an unlikely bond over the course of the film. The writing is witty and packs an emotional punch, delivered with sensitivity and humour.

Rating (out of 100%): 75% 'Please Give' it a watch.
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